
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

Jerusalem Artichokes

A week late , but still a good day; clear sky, warm sun, and the Jerusalem Artichoke stems are blown over, the leaves dead.

Jerusalem Artichokes can be used as potatoes; fry, roast, bake, boil, mash, ... To my mind the Jerusalem Artichoke tubers are tastier than potatoes.

One by one I gently pull the stems from the ground and immediately lay the clump of soil and tubers in a tray.

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The tray is carried to the soil sieve and decanted a gallon or so at a time.

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A second tray collects tubers. In regular use (remediating soil) this tray collects rocks, which are then used to fill in David's Swamp.

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Three such trays begin to fill the wheel barrow. By then end of this day I should have a barrow full of Jerusalem Artichoke tubers!

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The plants are great producers.

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This clump is about fifteen inches across; I break off tubers into my tray and carry them to the sieve.

I suspect that I still have 10% to 20% of my harvest sitting in the soil - tubers which snap off as I gently lever the stems from the ground.

If you have collected a bag of tubers from me, and if you think you would like to try growing them, I recommend that you retain one out of every twenty tubers to be planted next year. Keep the smallest tubers - they are too small to rinse properly or to dice and so on. In Bonavista I think of May 1st as the date of the last frost, and June 9th when the first artichoke shoots appear.

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My harvest - five six-pound sacks and eight three-pound sacks, so 54 pounds of Jerusalem Artichoke tubers. I could eat Jerusalem Artichokes at the rate of one pound per week for a whole year.

Year of Growth 2022

This year's growth began last year. I had pulled the stems and harvested the tubers from the root ball, not realizing how many small tubers were left in the ground.

On Saturday, May 07, 2022 I wrote "As I dig over the artichoke bed, I come across a few one-inch tubers." These tubers sprouted.

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On the tenth of July I panicked, and sliced four fifteen-inch gaps through the sprouted to thin them out.

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By the fifteenth of July, the plants have doubled in height.

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A month later, twelfth of August, the plants are six feet tall.

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And by the 27th of July, some of them reach nine feet into the air. There are two species here, a plant topped with yellow sun-flower blossoms (yellow circled) and a species, much taller, without blossoms (purple circle)

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The strong winds (83-90 Km/hr) of early September, a week or two before Fiona, toppled some of the stems.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, October 25, 2022 6:13 PM

Copyright © 1990-2022 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.